Positive affirmations

Turn Up the Heat! Affirmations for Sexual Confidence

Tap into your sexuality and enhance intimacy in your relationship with passion-filled affirmations for sexual confidence.

March 6, 2024
5 min

Hot & Steamy: Affirmations for Sexual Confidence

Feeling confident, sexy, and at ease in your body is crucial for establishing and maintaining a fulfilling intimate relationship. These affirmations for sexual confidence will bring out your passionate side and turn up the heat.

Practice them alone or with a partner, then get ready for a mind-blowing connection!

And for an added layer of  intimacy, include some of our affirmations for couples. Feel the intoxicating surge of passion and affection for the ultimate in physical and emotional closeness.

Passionate Affirmations for Sexual Confidence:

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1. “I say yes to passion in bed.”

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2. “I relax and allow my body to do what comes naturally in bed.”

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3. “I know that my body can do amazing things.”

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4. “I can vary effortlessly between romance and passion in the bedroom.”

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5. “Sex is natural, normal, and fun.”

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6. “I regularly fulfill my sexual needs.”

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7. “I guide my partner in what it takes to please me.”

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8. “I enjoy sharing the gift of sexual pleasure.”

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9. “My sex life is exciting and full of pleasure.”

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10. “I am open with my partner about what satisfies me sexually.”

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11. “I feel sexually attractive and powerful.”

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12. “I feel my delicious orgasms from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.”

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13. “I am confident enough to ask for what I want from my partner in bed.”

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14. “I enjoy exploring my sexual desires.”

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15. “I respect my sexual boundaries and those of my partner.”

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16. “My sex life is filled with delicious pleasure.”

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17. “I boldly explore my partner's body.”

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18. “I am open with my emotions, feelings, and sexual desires.”

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19. “I am open-minded to my partner's sexual desires.”

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20. “My partner knows how to please me sexually.”

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21. “I find safe ways to satisfy my sexual needs.”

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22. “I am completely turned on by my partner.”

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23. “My body is healthy and functions perfectly to give and receive pleasure.”

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24. “I let go of my thoughts and allow my body to lead the way.”

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25. “I am an amazing lover.”

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26. “I am completely in tune with my sexuality.”

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27. “I am open to trying new activities and positions in bed.”

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28. “I love trying new things sexually.”

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29. “I always see the good things about my body.”

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30. “I have an exciting sex life.”

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31. “I enjoy discovering new ways to achieve sexual pleasure.”

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32. “Sexuality is a natural part of my personality.”

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33. “I communicate my sexual needs and desires to my partner.”

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34. “I allow myself to fully step into my sexual power.”

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35. “I fulfill my wildest, most passionate fantasies.”

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36. “I create and honor my sexual boundaries.”

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37. “I know how to please myself and my partner.”

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38. “I am proud of the body I have.”

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39. “I am good in bed, and I am always open to getting better.”

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40. “I love exploring my partner's body and letting them explore mine.”

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41. “I frequently have mind-blowing orgasms.”

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42. “I am patient and compassionate about my partner sexual insecurities.”

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43. “I am desirable, playful, and seductive in and out of the bedroom. ”

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44. “I am intensely attracted to my partner.”

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45. “I relax and give my partner the gift of pleasing me.”

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46. “I communicate successfully with my partner.”

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47. “I love the physical closeness of an active sex life.”

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48. “I am sexually desirable and desired.”

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49. “I am a calm, confident, expert lover.”

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50. “I embrace my sensuality with confidence and pride.”

Ready to get intimate? Practice these affirmations for sexual confidence, and enjoy the sensual, passionate freedom they give you.

Then download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations and reminders to empower yourself in all areas of your life. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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