Positive affirmations

Springtime Happiness: Affirmations for May

Make May a month to remember! Fill your month with gratitude and happiness by practicing these positive affirmations for May.

April 25, 2024
5 min

Here's to an Amazing Month: Affirmations for May

As May unfolds its vibrant petals, it ushers in a season of growth and renewal. And now is the perfect time to embrace affirmations tailored to this fresh new month!

Let our affirmations for May serve as gentle reminders to align your thoughts with positivity, radiate inner peace, and embrace the beauty of the present moment.

Harness May’s transformative energy and use it to set intentions, cultivate gratitude, and manifest abundance in your life.

Joy-filled affirmations for May:

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1. “I am proud of myself for being brave enough to chase happiness.”

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2. “I am meant to do beautifully big things.”

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3. “I am allowed to love every unique characteristic of my body.”

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4. “I deserve to be happy and fulfilled.”

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5. “I am allowed to smile even when I am hurting.”

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6. “My life purpose keeps me motivated.”

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7. “I guard my happiness fiercely.”

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8. “I am made of magic and miracles.”

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9. “I have many strengths, skills, and talents.”

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10. “Staying true to myself makes me truly happy.”

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11. “I make laughter and happiness my priorities.”

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12. “I prioritize self-kindness and self-care.”

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13. “I trust that the Universe is always looking out for my happiness. ”

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14. “Everything in life is more enjoyable with true friends.”

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15. “Even the smallest pleasures bring me reasons to be grateful.”

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16. “I choose myself and my mental health over all else.”

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17. “I know that my body is beautiful in all the ways that truly matter.”

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18. “I am fearlessly creating a better future for myself.”

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19. “I am the person I came to the planet to be.”

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20. “I trust that today will be filled with happiness and love.”

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21. “I live up to my reputation as a happy, positive person.”

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22. “I am a role model.”

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23. “I feel happy with myself as a person.”

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24. “I set a divine intention to live happily.”

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25. “Negative self-talk has no place in my life.”

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26. “Every day brings me great joy.”

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27. “Growth is sometimes uncomfortable, yet I have the strength to do it.”

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28. “I am pretty great.”

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29. “I love doing things that make people happy.”

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30. “I attract success into every area of my life.”

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31. “I am in control of my thoughts.”

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32. “I can get through any period in my life.”

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33. “I am open to listening and understanding other people's ideas and beliefs.”

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34. “I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment.”

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35. “I wake up feeling strong.”

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36. “I am capable of achieving miracles when I let my intuition guide me.”

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37. “The Universe consistently sends me reasons to be happy.”

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38. “Today, I radiate gratitude and attract abundance.”

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39. “I believe in the power of positivity.”

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40. “I engage in fulfilling activities that help me live a happier life.”

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41. “I remain patient because I trust that every problem has a solution.”

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42. “I am worth every positive thought I have.”

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43. “I focus on how my body moves, not how it looks.”

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44. “I am worthy of love.”

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45. “I am able to find joy even under stress.”

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46. “I am handling this.”

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47. “I am strong, resilient, peaceful, and happy.”

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48. “I find happiness within me.”

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49. “I attract joy everywhere I go.”

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50. “I am learning my own value.”

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51. “I express my gratitude in action as well as words.”

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52. “I am in love with the person in the mirror working so hard on themselves.”

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53. “I have a soft side that is kind, compassionate and fun.”

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54. “Everything is working out for my ultimate happiness.”

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55. “I am worthy of great love.”

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56. “I only accept positive vibes in my space.”

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57. “I choose to focus on the many things there are to love about my body.”

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58. “I am in charge of my thoughts, and I choose to think positively.”

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59. “I know that happiness is a journey, and I actively choose it each day.”

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60. “I am blessed to wake up every morning.”

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61. “I allow nothing and no one to disturb my inner peace.”

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62. “I do not need to be perfect to be happy.”

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63. “I am always able to find a reason to smile.”

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64. “I am okay with making myself a priority again.”

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65. “I carry on through life with happiness and grace.”

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66. “I hold the truth of who I am within me.”

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67. “I owe it to myself to live a happy life.”

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68. “I enjoy investing my time and energy in things that make me feel good.”

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69. “I expand my happiness with every breath I take.”

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70. “I can feel my happiness wrapped around me like my favorite blanket.”

Ready to start your journey towards self-care, positivity, and happiness? Download the I am app today to receive daily reminders of empowering affirmations for May that will uplift your spirits and nurture your soul all month long.... and beyond.

You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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