Positive affirmations

Soothing Affirmations to Stop Worrying

Trust in yourself, your dreams, and your future. Start choosing calm over stress and faith over fear with powerful, positive affirmations to stop worrying.

April 25, 2024
5 min

Affirmations to Stop Worrying and Embrace Calm

It's incredibly easy to get caught up in the spiraling thoughts of worry and anxiety. But no matter how stressed, nervous, or worried you are, you have the power to shift your mindset and choose calm.


By practicing positive affirmations to stop worrying. These affirmations are designed to help you let go of fear and focus on reality, leading to a more peaceful and stress-free life.

Are you ready to release your worries?

Affirmations to stop worrying and calm your fears:

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1. “I recognize that worrying about the future won't influence it.”

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2. “I let go of fear and worry.”

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3. “I focus on reality instead of worrying about what could be.”

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4. “I let others misjudge me and refuse to worry about what they may think of me.”

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5. “I experience a healthy life, without worrying about my weight.”

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6. “I relieve myself of any worry.”

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7. “I choose calm over worry and faith over fear.”

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8. “I refuse to worry about things I cannot control.”

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9. “I have the ability to stop worrying about things.”

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10. “I am allowed to enjoy the moment without worrying about what's next or whether something will go wrong.”

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11. “I smile more and worry less.”

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12. “I refuse to worry about what others think of me; I know how wonderful I am.”

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13. “I choose to stop worrying, stressing, and dwelling on negativity.”

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14. “I let go of the need to constantly worry.”

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15. “I am here to enjoy life and not to worry about it.”

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16. “Letting go of worry is becoming easy.”

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17. “I now release all anxiety, fear and worry.”

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18. “I don't worry about the things I can't control.”

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19. “I am full of hope and free of worry.”

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20. “I release all need to worry.”

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21. “I refuse to worry about my appearance.”

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22. “I am allowed to peacefully celebrate my unique journey, without worrying about what others think.”

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23. “I let go of fear, worry and anger.”

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24. “I choose to let go of sadness and worry and embrace joy and tranquility.”

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25. “I allow my mind to take a break from worry and fill it with peaceful thoughts, instead.”

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26. “I allow life to unfold as it will, without worrying about every step.”

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27. “I trust the Universe to help me live a lovely, worry-free life.”

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28. “Life is too short to worry about my appearance over my feelings.”

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29. “I am free of worry.”

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30. “I use my energy to thrive and refuse to use it for worrying.”

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31. “I am positive, peaceful, and free from worry.”

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32. “I trust my own judgment and refuse to worry about my decisions.”

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33. “I choose confidence and calm over worry and stress.”

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34. “I am free from stress and worry.”

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35. “I refuse to worry about results because I can try again.”

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36. “Today instead of worrying I proactively look for solutions to problems.”

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37. “I use positive self-talk when I feel myself worrying too much.”

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38. “I take a break from worrying and focus on what brings me peace.”

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39. “I choose to stop worrying about my looks because I am beautiful.”

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40. “I am too amazing to worry about being perfect.”

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41. “I refuse to waste my time worrying about how I look.”

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42. “I refuse to waste time worrying about the opinions of others.”

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43. “I replace worry with the calm certainty everything always works out.”

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44. “I focus on solving the present obstacle without worrying or getting anxious.”

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45. “I choose not to worry about the future.”

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46. “I have more reasons to feel at peace than I do to worry.”

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47. “I release myself from the heaviness of worry and my fears.”

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48. “I am freeing myself from stress and worry.”

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49. “I focus on smiling more and worry less.”

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50. “I am free from worry.”

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51. “I dismiss the stories in my head that cause me to worry needlessly.”

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52. “I release the need to worry.”

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53. “I let every worry go.”

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54. “I let go of all worry-related thoughts and feelings.”

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55. “I am stress and worry free.”

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56. “My energy is not reserved for worrying. I use my energy to trust, believe, and have faith.”

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57. “I stop worrying about what others think of me and let my beautiful, radiant spirit shine, worry-free.”

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58. “I deserve to stop worrying and start trusting.”

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59. “My faith in a higher power leaves me free of doubt, worry, and fear.”

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60. “I release worry and choose to trust.”

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61. “I exhale worry and inhale trust.”

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62. “Worrying about what others think is only a distraction to living courageously.”

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63. “I do what feels right without worrying about consequences.”

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64. “I shift my mindset from worrying to accepting.”

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65. “I see things the way they are, not the way I worry about them.”

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66. “I choose to act instead of worrying.”

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67. “I take a step back so I can see the full picture instead of worrying over tiny details.”

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68. “Each morning, I make the conscious decision to stop worrying.”

Take control of your thoughts with the help of affirmations to stop worrying by downloading the I am App today. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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