Positive affirmations

Positive Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Job

Discover powerful affirmations to manifest your dream job and succeed in your career with positivity and intention. Use these affirmations to attract a job that's absolutely perfect for you.

May 29, 2024
2 min

Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Job and Succeed in Your Career

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

With the power of positive affirmations, you can attract your dream job and create the success you deserve. Repeat these affirmations daily to align your mindset with your career goals and watch as opportunities unfold before you.

20 affirmations to manifest your dream job:

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1. “I am getting closer and closer to my dream job.”

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2. “I'm on my way to my dream job.”

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3. “I am allowed to be happy at my job yet also seek something better.”

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4. “I allow my positive energy to attract the perfect job for me.”

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5. “I make brave choices that bring me closer to my dream job.”

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6. “My dream job is also seeking me.”

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7. “I have the choice to change jobs or careers whenever I want.”

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8. “I have multiple job paths open to me at all times.”

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9. “My dream job is on its way to me.”

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10. “Every job interview brings me closer to my dream job.”

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11. “I am brave enough to switch jobs or career paths when I feel the moment is right.”

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12. “There are always amazing jobs available for someone with my skill set.”

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13. “I make space for new job opportunities.”

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14. “I allow myself to search for a job that better suits my career goals.”

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15. “I know that the perfect job for me exists, even if I haven't found it yet.”

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16. “I choose jobs that make me feel inspired and fulfilled.”

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17. “I get closer to my dream job with every success.”

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18. “I am confident that my dream job is right around the corner.”

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19. “I am worthy of a job that makes me happy.”

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20. “I am closer to my perfect job every day.”

Ready to find the career of your dreams? Embrace the power of affirmations with the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/ and begin practicing affirmations to manifest your dream job.

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