Positive affirmations

Joyful Affirmations to Make You Smile

Looking for a boost of happiness? Let these affirmations to make you smile brighten your day and fill your heart with joy.

April 12, 2024
5 min

50+ Affirmations to Make You Smile Today

Your smile is a beautiful reflection of the happiness and positivity that reside within you.

Smiling has the power to transform your mood and brighten the world around you.

As you focus on cultivating a mindset of positivity and radiating happiness from within, these affirmations to make you smile will help you connect with your inner joy.

Affirmations to make you smile and reflect happiness:

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1. “I am happy with the person I am today.”

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2. “I intentionally choose happiness and positivity every day.”

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3. “I embrace the morning as a joyful start to my day.”

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4. “I am living the life of my dreams.”

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5. “Being perfect is impossible, and that's ok.”

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6. “I know that there is always hope.”

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7. “I've decided that I am good enough.”

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8. “I trust that I am creating a life that will make me happy for the rest of my days.”

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9. “I keep my vibrations high and my energy light.”

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10. “My life is a gift.”

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11. “I love and appreciate my body.”

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12. “I trust that abundant happiness, love, and wealth flow to me.”

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13. “I no longer let people's opinion of me affect me.”

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14. “I assure myself that everything always works out the way it should.”

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15. “I find myself in a state of perpetual happiness.”

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16. “I know that true happiness starts from within.”

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17. “I receive love and happiness.”

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18. “I am happy to take steps toward my potential.”

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19. “I deserve to live a healthy and happy life.”

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20. “I am brimming with positivity today.”

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21. “I am attracting abundance into my life.”

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22. “I am happy. I am successful. I am at peace. I am thankful.”

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23. “I am happy to have the capability to enrich the lives of others.”

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24. “I find joy in everything I do.”

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25. “I make room for growth and possibility.”

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26. “The more I get to know myself, the more I love myself.”

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27. “I believe in myself and my abilities, and I know that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to do.”

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28. “I am kind and positive, but also resilient and strong.”

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29. “I vibrate in the frequency of peace and harmony.”

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30. “I give my body the compliments it needs to hear.”

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31. “Just for today, I put aside my worries and focus on remaining positive.”

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32. “I feel happiness fill me from my toes to the top of my head.”

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33. “I am surrounded by the warm, radiant vibes of joy.”

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34. “I am blessed with health and strength.”

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35. “I attract peace and positive energies into my life.”

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36. “My life is full of endless possibilities.”

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37. “I know that happiness is a journey, and I actively choose it each day.”

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38. “I am happy because I am living my truth.”

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39. “This waking moment is my life with every breath and every heartbeat.”

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40. “I feel grateful, happy, and loved.”

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41. “I can find the positives in any situation.”

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42. “I am proud of how consistently I change and evolve.”

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43. “I am happy, joyful, and free.”

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44. “I am making enormous strides toward a better life each day.”

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45. “I know that the Universe supports my ultimate success.”

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46. “Thankfulness is the beginning of my happiness.”

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47. “I am grateful for the happiness that is manifesting in my life right now.”

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48. “I am excited to experience the magic and joy that each day holds.”

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49. “I am a melodic ode of love.”

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50. “I carefully guard my energy and vibes to keep them calm and positive.”

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51. “I develop positive and healthy relationships.”

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52. “I am able to get through anything with my positivity and strength.”

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53. “I begin each day with a happy heart.”

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54. “I maintain a positive and thankful mindframe regardless of what life throws at me.”

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55. “I am on a beautiful gratitude journey and enjoying every moment of it.”

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56. “I love myself enough to avoid toxic people.”

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57. “I am committed to having a great life.”

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58. “I am a positive influence on the world.”

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59. “I go to bed each night with a smile on my face and happy thoughts in my heart.”

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60. “I am delighted to be alive.”

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61. “I am thankful for the fun, happiness, and joy in my life.”

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62. “I am living my most authentic life.”

Ready to start your journey towards happiness? Download the I am app now to receive daily affirmations to make you smile, today and every day.

You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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