Positive affirmations

Instant Inspiration: Motivational Quotes

Mix up your affirmations with something a little different: motivational quotes. These powerful statements will give you the inspiration and guidance you need to unlock your potential, elevate your life, and continue growing and building.

March 13, 2024
5 min

Exploring the Power of Motivational Quotes

Are you seeking a dose of inspiration to kickstart your day?

Practicing positive affirmations is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your mindset—and your whole life.

But today we invite you to explore something slightly different: the world of motivational quotes.

These positive phrases offer wisdom, direction, and encouragement. And whether you're facing challenges, pursuing goals, or simply in need of a positivity boost, these quotes are here to guide you.

Take your time reading and internalizing these quotes, and allow them to ignite that spark within you, the spark that pushes you to pursue your dreams with passion and determination.

Motivational quotes guaranteed to uplift and empower you:

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1. “Believe in new possibilities.”

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2. “If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.”

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3. “You're allowed to lose your way, as long as you don't lose your faith in yourself.”

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4. “The rest of your life is going to be the best of your life.”

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5. “When you love what you have, you have everything you need.”

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6. “Passion and purpose, combined, are simply unbeatable.”

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7. “You may not realize it, but you are making the world a better place for someone.”

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8. “Lay low and boss up.”

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9. “Change can be scary, but you know what's scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.”

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10. “Abundance, love, and prosperity are already yours. Relax and allow them to flow to you.”

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11. “Nobody's perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up, learn from our mistakes and move on.”

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12. “You are the only person you need to be good enough for.”

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13. “Work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing.”

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14. “Look at you, showing everyone how hard you'll work to reach your goals. Keep it up and you'll reach even your biggest dreams.”

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15. “Learn to love who and where you are today. Stay present and engaged in your life.”

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16. “Give yourself a break from overthinking. It's okay to not know all the answers. They'll come to you in time.”

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17. “Your most amazing opportunities are still ahead of you. Chin up, you've got this.”

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18. “Every day, you have the power to impact someone's day. Make sure it's a positive impact.”

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19. “Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”

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20. “Distance will sometimes let you know who is worth keeping and who is worth letting go of.”

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21. “Make yourself a priority.”

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22. “Don't be afraid to lose what was never meant to be.”

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23. “90% of what you're stressing about right now won't even matter a year from now. Take a deep breath.”

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24. “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”

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25. “It's time to write a new story.”

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26. “This week, make sure the people you're journeying through life with make you feel safe and loved.”

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27. “Care more about just being yourself than what others may think of you.”

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28. “You can only reach your goals through commitment, consistency, and hard work.”

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29. “You can't force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected.”

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30. “It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times. Never give up. Good things are coming your way.”

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31. “The beautiful thing about life is that you can always grow, change and get better. You aren't defined by your past.”

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32. “You have the power to manifest your blessings. Believe in yourself.”

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33. “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

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34. “Your life will change completely when you're brave enough to take that big risk.”

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35. “Life is short, spend it with people that make you laugh and feel loved.”

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36. “Take a deep breath and remember: even the roughest days get better. You've got this.”

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37. “It's never too late to walk away from something unhealthy.”

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38. “When you know your worth, you don't lose people. People lose you.”

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39. “A beautiful new reality is right there, just waiting for you to grow into it.”

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40. “Work hard. Push hard. The results are coming.”

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41. “Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't. Start loving yourself for everything you are.”

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42. “You're a masterpiece even while you're in progress. Keep evolving and transforming into the best, brightest version of yourself.”

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43. “Time to stop dreaming and start doing, stop wishing and start sweating.”

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44. “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

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45. “Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way.”

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46. “A setback doesn't have to hold you back.”

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47. “Remind yourself: you can do this because you can do anything.”

Ready to start your journey towards a more positive and motivated life?

Download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations and motivational quotes that will uplift and empower you. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

And be sure to check out our Motivation app, too, where you'll find powerful, inspiring quotes that you can apply to almost any aspect of your life.

With quotes and affirmations, you'll unlock the power of positivity and continue evolving into your favorite version of you!

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