Positive affirmations

Healing Affirmations for Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a beautiful path to serenity. Discover powerful affirmations for forgiveness offer compassion to yourself and others and encourage you to heal from past wounds.

April 25, 2024
5 min

Inspiring Affirmations for Forgiveness and Healing

Forgiveness is a powerful tool for self-healing and growth.

By embracing the compassion and kindness of these words, you can release the burden of resentment and embrace inner peace. Let these affirmations for forgiveness inspire you to let go of the past and move forward with a light heart and content spirit.

60+ affirmations for forgiveness:

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1. “I am allowed to forgive someone without making space for them in my life again.”

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2. “I forgive myself for trying to fix someone who was broken.”

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3. “I am allowed to forgive someone without making space for them in my life again.”

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4. “I forgive myself for trying to fix someone who was broken.”

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5. “I forgive myself for taking so long to let go.”

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6. “I forgive myself for everything I've done.”

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7. “I forgive myself for giving my attention to things that didn't deserve it.”

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8. “I forgive myself for the times I didn't know how to believe in myself.”

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9. “You are worthy of forgiveness for the mistakes you made in the past.”

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10. “I forgive myself for staying when I should have left long ago.”

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11. “You forgive yourself for taking so long to let go.”

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12. “I forgive myself for accepting less than what I deserved in the past.”

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13. “You see the beauty that comes with forgiveness.”

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14. “I am thankful that I can forgive myself for my past mistakes.”

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15. “I forgive myself for mistakes I make along my parenting journey.”

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16. “I forgive myself for mistakes I made when I didn't know better.”

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17. “I give my loved ones grace and forgiveness when they make mistakes.”

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18. “I forgive myself and set myself free.”

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19. “I forgive myself for all I have done.”

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20. “I forgive myself for how I talked about my body in the past.”

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21. “I forgive those who hurt me as part of my healing work.”

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22. “I am grateful for the power of forgiveness.”

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23. “I forgive the past and heal for the future.”

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24. “I forgive myself for settling.”

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25. “I am grateful for my ability to forgive and move on.”

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26. “I am able to feel forgiven.”

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27. “I am allowed to forgive and still choose to move on.”

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28. “I allow the energy of compassion and forgiveness to surround me.”

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29. “I forgive the person that hurt me.”

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30. “I forgive my ex without wanting them back.”

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31. “Even when I've been hurt, I find it within my heart to forgive.”

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32. “I forgive anyone who has hurt me in the past.”

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33. “I forgive those who have hurt me.”

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34. “I forgive myself for my failures.”

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35. “I allow my friends to make mistakes and forgive them.”

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36. “I forgive others and release any hurt associated with them.”

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37. “I am ready to forgive past hurts and move on.”

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38. “I forgive myself for everything.”

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39. “I am ready to forgive anyone.”

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40. “I forgive anyone who hurts me, as part of my journey to healing.”

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41. “I forgive my ex.”

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42. “I forgive myself.”

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43. “I embrace the healing power of self-love and forgiveness.”

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44. “I am ready to forgive myself for not knowing better.”

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45. “Forgiveness is the root of healing.”

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46. “I forgive myself and others for not being perfect.”

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47. “I forgive myself for all my past failures.”

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48. “I forgive myself for staying past my time.”

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49. “I am ready to forgive anyone I feel has hurt me.”

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50. “I forgive others and move forward freed from the burden of resentment.”

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51. “I completely forgive myself for all past mistakes and failures.”

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52. “I forgive my past and look forward to my future.”

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53. “I set myself and others free by choosing to forgive.”

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54. “I forgive others, as this serves my inner peace.”

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55. “I forgive myself with the same grace as I give others.”

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56. “I forgive it all.”

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57. “I give myself grace and forgiveness just as I give to others.”

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58. “I forgive anyone who has wronged me, especially myself.”

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59. “I forgive my mistakes and step forward into a new beginning.”

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60. “I choose to forgive and love others.”

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61. “I forgive myself and others.”

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62. “I lovingly forgive and let go of the past.”

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63. “I forgive all.”

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64. “I release any regrets and give myself the gift of self-forgiveness.”

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65. “I forgive myself and others for any mistakes made.”

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66. “I allow myself to make mistakes and forgive myself easily.”

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67. “I forgive myself for all the past mistakes.”

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68. “I easily forgive myself and others, knowing that this allows my body, mind and emotions to relax.”

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69. “I am willing to forgive myself.”

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70. “I forgive the people who have wronged me.”

Start your journey to healing and inner peace with affirmations for forgiveness from the I am app. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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