Positive affirmations

Heal Your Heart: Breakup Affirmations

Embrace self-love, resilience, and inner strength as you embark on a journey of peace and empowerment. Let these breakup affirmations bring you one step closer to healing.

April 12, 2024
5 min

Breakup Affirmations to Soothe Your Soul

In the wake of a breakup, finding healing and peace within yourself is essential for moving forward.

As you begin to embrace a brighter future, you’ll recognize your worth, let go of what no longer serves you, and even open your heart to new possibilities.

Breakup affirmations provide a source of strength and inspiration during this transformative time.

Let them encourage you to focus on self-care, self-love, and personal growth as you navigate this chapter of your life with grace and resilience.

Breakup affirmations to get over your heartache:

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1. “I am replacing anger and frustration with love and compassion.”

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2. “I am strong enough to weather this storm.”

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3. “I let go of the past.”

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4. “I am capable of achieving a peaceful, happy life.”

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5. “I am manifesting a life of light and laughter.”

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6. “I feel joy, love, and abundance.”

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7. “I am my own cheerleader.”

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8. “I am creating happier moments.”

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9. “Staying positive no matter what is just who I am.”

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10. “I allow my desire to be grateful to act as my greatest motivator.”

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11. “I live my life with a happy and thankful heart.”

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12. “I manifest moments of pure bliss.”

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13. “I embrace each morning with joy and gratitude in my heart. ”

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14. “I realize that happiness has been inside of me all this time, I just had to change the way I think.”

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15. “I am on the cusp of my best life.”

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16. “I fiercely protect myself and my energy.”

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17. “I am a beacon of endless love.”

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18. “I am the best me that anybody can be.”

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19. “Today, I am happy.”

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20. “I possess a beauty and appeal that is timeless and enduring, regardless of my age, weight, or size.”

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21. “I love watching myself grow and become more confident.”

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22. “I step back and allow my natural magnetism to bring me the love of my life.”

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23. “Today I choose to be happy.”

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24. “I embrace all new things that come to me.”

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25. “I can be true to myself.”

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26. “I radiate charm.”

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27. “I narrate the story of my life.”

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28. “I surround myself with positive energy.”

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29. “I am grateful for all the exciting things to come.”

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30. “I bounce back from bad thoughts quickly.”

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31. “I deserve to be loved for who I am.”

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32. “I am a magnetic force of love and desire.”

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33. “I am worthy of a partner who shows me they love me.”

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34. “My own love is the best kind of love.”

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35. “I prioritize my wellbeing with healthy choices.”

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36. “I am making positive changes in all areas of my life.”

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37. “The more I get to know myself, the more I love myself.”

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38. “I am proud of myself for staying positive and happy even when my life isn't perfect.”

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39. “I feel my life filling with positivity.”

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40. “Today is going to be an awesome day.”

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41. “I start each day with boundless optimism.”

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42. “I am attracting my dream life.”

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43. “I deserve to be happy today.”

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44. “I accept happiness into every moment of the day.”

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45. “My heart is opening up to new possibilities.”

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46. “I am able to acheive anything that I set my mind to.”

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47. “I turn my life into a carousel of good times and happy memories.”

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48. “I remain hopeful and positive, always.”

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49. “I choose to be happy.”

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50. “I am thankful for the gift of resiliency that has helped me bounce back from so much.”

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51. “I am willing to be happy with my life, just as it is right now.”

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52. “My current lifestyle is based on happiness and peace.”

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53. “I am allowing myself to feel joy, laugh, and smile.”

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54. “I am equally happy alone or with others.”

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55. “I am supremely worthy of love and happiness.”

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56. “I know boundaries are considered self care.”

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57. “I am strong, confident, and brave.”

Shower yourself with love and reclaim your happiness! Download the I am app today to receive breakup affirmations to help your heart heal.

You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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