Positive affirmations

Heal Through Words: Affirmations to Overcome Trauma

Take the first step towards healing with affirmations to overcome trauma. These powerful, encouraging affirmations bring you strength and resilience as you navigate your path to recovery.

April 12, 2024
5 min

50+ Affirmations to Overcome Trauma and Flourish

Trauma can leave a lasting impact on your life, affecting your emotional well-being and sense of self.

But it's possible to overcome trauma and reclaim your strength, confidence, and happiness.

By embracing affirmations to overcome trauma, you can navigate through the pain and emerge stronger on the other side.

These affirmations serve as powerful tools to help you confront and process your experiences, guiding you towards hope, healing, and renewal.

Overcoming trauma is a courageous step towards reclaiming your sense of self and finding healing; take it today.

50+ healing affirmations for trauma:

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1. “I welcome the healing light sent by the Universe.”

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2. “I am excited for new beginnings.”

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3. “I listen to the signs, and I realign if I need to.”

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4. “I know I´m not alone in this journey.”

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5. “I am happy, resilient, and brave when making big changes.”

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6. “I feel calm confidence throughout my journey.”

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7. “I carefully nourish my heart and soul as they slowly heal.”

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8. “I notice when I feel anger and step back so I can calm my emotions. ”

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9. “I intentionally create new habits that add to my life.”

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10. “My future has a purpose, and will exceed all of my expectations.”

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11. “I only submit to the things that help me grow.”

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12. “I am excited to discover new things about myself during this fresh beginning.”

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13. “I trust the process.”

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14. “I allow myself to evolve through this heartbreak.”

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15. “I am allowed to take time to reset and recharge whenever my soul asks for it.”

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16. “I harness my potential to create an amazing new chapter in my life.”

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17. “I know that channeling thoughts about healing and restoration helps me every day.”

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18. “I put aside my troubles and focus on my happiness.”

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19. “I focus on making important changes to my life.”

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20. “I am healing at my own pace.”

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21. “I have a balanced mind, body, and spirit.”

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22. “I am tougher than I know.”

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23. “I am choosing to live a healthy, positive life.”

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24. “I walk the journey of recovery with patience and courage.”

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25. “I am ready to embrace a new outlook on life.”

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26. “I am doing everything possible to restore my good health.”

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27. “I choose a path of healing.”

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28. “I allow wonderful things to flow into my life.”

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29. “I make room in my life for more wonder, joy, and gratitude.”

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30. “I have already overcome so much in my life.”

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31. “I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.”

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32. “I refuse to let heartbreak change me or break me.”

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33. “I listen when the Universe shows me the way forward.”

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34. “I know that nothing can hold me back.”

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35. “Every morning I wake up and choose to make myself a priority.”

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36. “I use the lessons of my past as a bridge to my future.”

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37. “I am willing to face my stress triggers head-on and conquer them.”

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38. “Instead of holding on to what I could have done, I am taking action to do what I can do now.”

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39. “I accept that I will have good days and bad days while I allow my heart to heal.”

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40. “I am excited for the many adventures life holds.”

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41. “I make a new beginning that puts me on the path to greatness.”

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42. “I am courageously walking my own path.”

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43. “I am creating the life I deserve to live.”

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44. “I am courageous and brave for trying, even when it's hard.”

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45. “I am thankful for overcoming my past mistakes.”

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46. “I get help and support when I need it.”

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47. “I give my heart the sacred space it needs to heal.”

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48. “Every experience feeds my self-growth.”

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49. “My mind is in sync with the Universe.”

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50. “I embrace each new day as a chance to recover and heal.”

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51. “Time heals all wounds.”

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52. “I am always healing, and never alone.”

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53. “I am allowed to take breaks on my path.”

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54. “I am getting stronger in mind, body, and spirit.”

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55. “I deserve to be healed.”

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56. “I speak life into my present and future circumstances.”

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57. “I take care of my mental health so I live my happiest life.”

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58. “I nourish my healing soul.”

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59. “I make every new beginning count.”

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60. “I am changing my life for good.”

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61. “I believe in the power of my dreams.”

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62. “I am brave enough to begin again as often as I need to.”

Ready to start your healing journey and embrace new beginnings? Download the I am app today to receive daily affirmations that uplift and empower you on your path to healing and growth.

You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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