Positive affirmations

Find Your Strength: Affirmations for Self-Esteem

Ready to cultivate a healthier self-image? This compilation of affirmations for self-esteem has been selected to help you embrace your worth and radiate confidence.

April 12, 2024
5 min

Confidence-Boosting Affirmations for Self-Esteem

Your self-esteem forms the foundation of your confidence and sense of worth, influencing every aspect of your life. It encompasses your beliefs about yourself, your abilities, and your value as a person.

Cultivating and maintaining your self-esteem is essential for your mental and emotional well-being, empowering you to navigate challenges with resilience and embrace opportunities with confidence.

These affirmations for self-esteem will help you as you embrace your worth, abilities, and unlimited potential.

50+ empowering affirmations for self-esteem:

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1. “I am thrilled by my limitless potential.”

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2. “I love the person that I am becoming.”

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3. “Happiness enters my life in abundance.”

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4. “I choose to be completely in love with my body.”

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5. “I love feeling healthy and fit.”

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6. “I make valuable contributions to the world.”

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7. “I deserve to set my mind free and relax.”

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8. “I love every inch of my body.”

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9. “I am becoming confident in my own skin.”

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10. “I treat myself kindly. ”

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11. “I take loving care of my body and spirit.”

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12. “I am healthy, energetic, and optimistic.”

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13. “I know my tendencies to love always start from within.”

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14. “I am proud of what my body does and how it looks.”

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15. “I am a leader.”

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16. “I know that each of us is a work in progress, yet we can still love ourselves and love one another.”

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17. “I embrace my imperfections and am grateful for how truly unique I am.”

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18. “I live my life for me. Not for what others think.”

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19. “Beginning again just means that I have the courage to know when to walk away from what is no longer serving me.”

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20. “I deserve a love that shines brighter than the sun.”

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21. “I make good decisions.”

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22. “I am happy to be me.”

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23. “I am a strong, confident and I consciously attract happiness.”

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24. “I am a change-maker, personally and professionally.”

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25. “I love the way I look and feel when I am living healthily.”

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26. “My body is uniquely amazing.”

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27. “I always see the good things about my body.”

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28. “I use the time it takes to heal to work on myself.”

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29. “I trust that every step I take is leading me to a happier life.”

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30. “I watch my confidence grow as I learn to navigate tough days.”

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31. “I allow the things that are, to be.”

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32. “Every unique feature of my body brings me joy.”

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33. “I embrace my flaws.”

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34. “I feel confident in my body.”

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35. “I am exactly who I am meant to be.”

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36. “I am worth being cherished and valued.”

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37. “I am growing into a better version of myself every day.”

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38. “I will rise when I am ready.”

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39. “I don't need to be perfect to be beautiful.”

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40. “The goal is progress over perfection.”

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41. “I like myself just as I am.”

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42. “I am comfortable being my authentic self with my friends.”

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43. “I show how thankful I am for my body by choosing self-care.”

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44. “I am a magnet for amazing humans.”

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45. “I have a deep and unshakable belief in myself and in what I can accomplish.”

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46. “I feel supported by the Universe when I try to reach my goals.”

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47. “My power lies in my willingness to be happy.”

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48. “I am my most confident when I am myself.”

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49. “As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.”

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50. “I am imperfect and love myself at the same time.”

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51. “My life is mine to enjoy as I please.”

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52. “I am compassionate and kind towards my body.”

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53. “I am grateful for my body. I want to treat it with love and respect.”

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54. “I am surrounded by reasons to be grateful for the journey I am on.”

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55. “I am grateful for all the good things I see within myself.”

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56. “I am a work in progress, but what a work I am!”

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57. “I am improving in mind, soul, and body every day.”

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58. “I am proud of my growth.”

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59. “I deserve all the self-care and self-love I show myself.”

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60. “I welcome all of the ways the universe wants to bless me.”

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61. “The greatest gift I gave to myself is my inner love and growth.”

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62. “I speak to myself with love and respect.”

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63. “I am courageously forging my own path.”

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64. “I find time for self-care every day.”

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65. “I love myself. I always tell myself I am capable of anything, no matter how hard it seems, and with hard work I achieve it.”

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66. “Love starts with me and within myself.”

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67. “I walk through today with confidence and grace.”

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68. “I am everything I need to be.”

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69. “I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self.”

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70. “My mind is open to new possibilities.”

Start your journey of self-love and confidence today by downloading the I am app. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/.

Embrace the power of affirmations for self-esteem with the I am app!

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