Positive affirmations

Empowering Affirmations to Let Go

Find the strength you need to embrace new beginnings with positivity and confidence in these positive affirmations to let go.

May 16, 2024
3 min

Bless and Release: Affirmations to Let Go and Move On

In life, we all face moments where we need to release what's weighing us down and move on with grace.

These affirmations to let go will help you release the past and embrace new beginnings with courage and determination.

By repeating these empowering statements, you can strengthen your mindset and welcome positive changes in your life.

Inspiring affirmations to let go:

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1. “Everyone is meant to change.”

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2. “I am evolving.”

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3. “I forgive and allow myself to move on.”

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4. “I take the time I need to grieve, then pick myself up and move on.”

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5. “I am allowed to begin again as many times as I need to.”

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6. “I have a choice to decide to start anew or stay the same.”

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7. “I am calling on the highest vibrations to escort me to the next phase.”

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8. “I understand that to embrace new beginnings, I must let go of what is holding me back.”

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9. “In order to get the life of my dreams I have to let go of my old habits.”

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10. “I know how to move on to the next phase of my life.”

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11. “My new life requires me to release my old ways.”

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12. “With each lesson, I prove to myself I am ready to move on.”

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13. “I release all past hurt and am ready to be vulnerable in love again.”

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14. “I'm all I need to be, I've done all I need to do, I can move on.”

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15. “I give myself permission to move on and be happy.”

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16. “I am choosing to make a decision and move on.”

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17. “I honor my intuition and my decision to move on.”

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18. “It is safe for me to release my past.”

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19. “I am ready to move on with my life.”

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20. “I feel the peace that fills my heart when I walk away from what isn't mine.”

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21. “I am ready to release all the anxiety and stress right now.”

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22. “I move on to my best future.”

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23. “I am stepping into the life I was meant to live.”

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24. “I am moving on.”

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25. “I am ready to move on.”

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26. “I bravely let go and allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.”

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27. “I leave behind anything that didn't go well today and welcome a new beginning tomorrow.”

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28. “I trust the process.”

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29. “I choose to have the strength to move on.”

Ready to start a journey of self-discovery and growth? Embrace new beginnings with the power of affirmations to let go by downloading the I am App today. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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