Positive affirmations

Dream Big: Affirmations for Career Success

Elevate your professional trajectory with motivating affirmations for career success. Let these dynamic affirmations guide you towards achieving your career aspirations with confidence and positivity.

March 13, 2024
5 min

Growth and Guidance: Affirmations for Career Success

Over the course of their lifetime, the average person spends over 90,000 hours working.

That’s roughly ⅓ of your life!

With that much time focused on your career, it’s clear to see that how your happiness at work can greatly impact your overall mood and mindset.

But regardless of where you are in your professional development, there’s good news; career success is within reach. And affirmations will help!

Whether you’re a recent graduate just beginning your job journey or a seasoned pro aiming for greater heights, affirmations for career success can help you elevate your professional life.

Tap into the power of positive thinking, and allow affirmations for career success to help you:

- Cultivate a growth mindset
- Overcome professional self-doubt
- Navigate your workplace with grace
- Grow your business or side hustle
- Find greater enjoyment in your job
- Achieve your career aspirations

Ready to supercharge your career?

Transform your professional life with affirmations for career success:

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1. “I boldly take on exciting additional responsibilities.”

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2. “I create a version of success that is meaningful to me.”

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3. “I am filled with gratitude for the future I envision ahead of me.”

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4. “I set goals that enhance my well-being, personally and professionally.”

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5. “I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do.”

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6. “I have faith that my tireless effort is paying off.”

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7. “Today I am attracting success.”

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8. “I prioritize my own goals, including the financial ones.”

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9. “I recognize my limitless potential.”

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10. “I am destined to achieve what I want to achieve.”

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11. “I am brave enough to chase my goals.”

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12. “I have faith in my ability to overcome and succeed.”

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13. “I am powerful enough to rise to the top.”

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14. “I trust that my professional skills and talents are appreciated.”

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15. “I seize new opportunities with both hands.”

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16. “I am reaching my full potential in my quest to achieve my goals.”

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17. “I allow my positive energy to attract the perfect job for me.”

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18. “I let my goals push me beyond what I thought was possible.”

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19. “I find exciting ways to flourish.”

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20. “All of my dreams and passions are coming to life.”

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21. “I am known for my fresh insights and unique perspective.”

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22. “I trust in myself and my ability to achieve my goals.”

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23. “Any company would be fortunate to have me.”

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24. “I connect to peers in my field of work who uplift and inspire me.”

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25. “I deserve my career accolades and professional success.”

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26. “I am trusting it will all be accomplished.”

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27. “I trust that my passion is bringing me closer to my goals.”

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28. “I attract everything I require to achieve my goals by focusing on the outcome.”

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29. “I am committed to developing the skills and habits I need in order to achieve my goals.”

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30. “I contribute solutions and insight during meetings.”

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31. “I invest in myself and in my business every day.”

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32. “I am productive in all areas.”

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33. “I trust that I am on the right career path.”

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34. “My professional contributions are invaluable.”

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35. “People appreciate me for the work I do.”

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36. “I trust that my hustle creates my success.”

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37. “I am thankful that what I do brings me joy.”

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38. “I love trying new things and learning new skills.”

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39. “When the entire team is excited we are all successful.”

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40. “I use my experiences to grow and develop.”

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41. “I see progress in my projects every day.”

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42. “I have faith that today brings me one step closer to my goals and dreams.”

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43. “All my thoughts and efforts lead me to the success I desire.”

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44. “I am steadily moving forward, step by step.”

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45. “I remain in unwavering pursuit of excellence.”

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46. “I give my all, so good things always come to me.”

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47. “I clearly see what needs to be done to reach my goals.”

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48. “The more I learn, the more I achieve.”

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49. “I work hard and enjoy the fruits of my labor.”

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50. “I love learning and I am good at it.”

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51. “I am bold enough to negotiate for what I deserve.”

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52. “I trust myself to make wise, well-thought-out decisions at work.”

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53. “I believe in the inherent value of my business.”

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54. “I possess a burning desire to achieve my goals.”

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55. “I give myself permission to chase my dreams and goals.”

These affirmations for career success will help you stay confident, positive, and motivated at work (and beyond).  Download the I am App now to receive daily affirmations and stay inspired on your path to achieving your professional goals. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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