Positive affirmations

Confident and Radiant: Postpartum Affirmations

Welcome to motherhood! Let these postpartum affirmations help you embrace positivity and nurture your well-being during this beautiful new phase of your life.

April 12, 2024
5 min

Encouraging Postpartum Affirmations

Postpartum is a sacred phase in a woman's life, marking the period following childbirth. It encompasses a range of experiences, from the profound joy of bonding with your newborn to the challenges of recovering from childbirth and adjusting to a new routine.

It's a time of vulnerability, growth, and transformation, as you embrace your new role as a mother. During this delicate period, it's crucial for you to prioritize self-care, seek support, and nurture your mental and emotional well-being.

These postpartum affirmations offer guidance and encouragement as you navigate this transformative chapter in your life.

50+ postpartum affirmations:

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1. “I am doing an amazing job as a mother.”

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2. “I am a caring, loving, tender mother.”

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3. “I am at peace with my baby.”

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4. “I accept that some days are more challenging than others.”

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5. “I lean into my partner when I need help.”

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6. “This is the period of time that is a recovery for both me and my baby.”

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7. “I am exactly what my child needs.”

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8. “I am capable of this because I am capable of anything.”

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9. “I am aligned with my body's needs.”

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10. “Today I see each moment as a new opportunity to express my greatness as a mom.”

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11. “I am never alone during my journey in parenting.”

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12. “I learn from the mistakes I make.”

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13. “I choose to be kind to myself and gentle with how I treat myself.”

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14. “I am doing a great job as a mother.”

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15. “I am feeling better and stronger every day.”

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16. “I am a warrior.”

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17. “It will take some time for me to learn about my baby; I am doing a great job right now.”

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18. “I am the best mother for my children.”

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19. “I am allowed to be both scared and excited for a new beginning.”

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20. “I am patient with the changes my body is going through.”

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21. “I am proud of my body for creating the miracle of life.”

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22. “I can do hard things.”

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23. “I fulfill my purpose as a mother by starting here, right now.”

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24. “I am a strong mom and my fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.”

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25. “I love myself, unconditionally, right now.”

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26. “I take the time to care for my needs today.”

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27. “I am doing an amazing job as a parent.”

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28. “I exude patience and grace throughout my day.”

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29. “I believe in me and my baby.”

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30. “I am providing everything my child needs to be happy.”

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31. “Today I release expectations of perfection.”

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32. “I enjoy this precious time with my baby.”

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33. “I make my baby happy in so many ways. ”

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34. “I am grateful for my beautiful family.”

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35. “I love my child with all my heart.”

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36. “I ask for help if I need it.”

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37. “I give up comparing myself to other moms.”

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38. “I am allowed to make mistakes and still be a wonderful parent.”

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39. “I am proud of my beautiful body.”

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40. “I take the time to nourish my body.”

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41. “The challenges that I face today make me a stronger mother tomorrow.”

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42. “I am focused on enjoying the present with my baby.”

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43. “I am thankful for the support I have.”

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44. “My body might be softer but is definitely stronger.”

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45. “I focus my energies on being the wonderful parent my child needs and deserves.”

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46. “I am so much stronger than I think.”

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47. “I confidently take on the challenges of parenthood.”

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48. “My love for my children is unconditional.”

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49. “I am enjoying these intimate moments with my baby.”

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50. “I take care of myself to be a better mother.”

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51. “I am an excellent mother even when I make mistakes.”

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52. “I am in love with this new chapter of my life.”

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53. “Today I refuse to worry about small details.”

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54. “My love for my baby will grow every day.”

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55. “I trust the parenting instincts ingrained within me.”

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56. “I am patient and compassionate with myself.”

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57. “I am here for my baby.”

Empower yourself during the early days of post-pregnancy with daily postpartum affirmations by downloading the I am app.

You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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