Positive affirmations

Comforting Affirmations to Navigate Grief

Explore comforting affirmations to assist you in coping with grief and fostering healing. Adopt these potent affirmations to support you through challenging moments and guide your journey towards peace.

March 1, 2024
4 min

Empowering Affirmations to Navigate Grief

During times of grief, it's essential to remind yourself of your inner strength and resilience. These affirmations are powerful tools to help you navigate through the storm of emotions and find healing. By repeating positive statements like 'I am allowed to feel my grief' and 'I trust that time will bring healing and peace,' you can empower yourself to move forward with courage and compassion.

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1. “I look for the rainbows after the storm.”

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2. “I am allowed to have sad days and happy days, both, while I heal.”

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3. “I let go of my resistance to this situation.”

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4. “I am learning how to get better every time I begin again.”

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5. “I focus on being productive today.”

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6. “I recognize the importance of being happy.”

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7. “I am grateful for being brave enough to take control of my life.”

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8. “I am a strong person.”

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9. “I am recovering from this and will be happy again.”

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10. “I honor my lost loved one by living my own life in positive and beautiful ways.”

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11. “I am finding ways to be at peace.”

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12. “I embrace the process of transformation that comes with grief and healing.”

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13. “Recovery takes time, I allow myself to heal at my own pace.”

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14. “I allow myself to feel this fully, to be here.”

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15. “I already have all the resources I need to overcome this difficulty.”

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16. “I know that healing from panic takes time, so I give myself patience and grace.”

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17. “I allow myself to feel my grief.”

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18. “I allow myself time and space to grieve over broken dreams.”

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19. “I allow myself to mourn for the hopes and dreams I had.”

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20. “The pain in my heart is healing.”

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21. “I remain kind to others, even when I am grieving.”

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22. “I know that I will heal and be happy again.”

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23. “Wherever my loved one is I send them love and compassion.”

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24. “I heal from previous hurts and walk forward with my head held high.”

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25. “I know that I can lean on my circle of friends for support and positivity.”

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26. “I allow my positive thoughts to power me through difficult days.”

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27. “I am patient and compassionate with myself.”

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28. “I spend time with people who comfort me.”

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29. “I am able to handle anything and everything that comes my way.”

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30. “I am blooming through my pain.”

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31. “I know that no matter what, I am ok.”

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32. “I relax and let all feelings flow through me.”

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33. “I am confident that things are getting better, even if I'm not sure how or when.”

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34. “The bond I have with myself and those around me is still strong.”

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35. “I am grateful, strong, and courageous during challenging moments.”

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36. “I am doing the best I can with the skills, tools, and resources I have. ”

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37. “Looking back, I was always stronger than I felt.”

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38. “I am allowed to pause and catch my breath.”

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39. “I am strong enough to embrace my grief.”

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40. “I move away from memories that bring me pain and focus on memories that bring me happiness and peace.”

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41. “I am fully present in this moment.”

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42. “I accept all of my emotions but choose to focus on joy.”

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43. “I know there is happiness on the other side of healing.”

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44. “I take comfort in the support and love from others.”

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45. “I trust that time will bring healing and peace.”

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46. “In my grief, I love myself.”

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47. “I trust that my heart will heal at its own pace and in its own way.”

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48. “I recognize painful moments but I know they will pass.”

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49. “Life is still safe.”

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50. “I am through grieving today and I move onto other emotions.”

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51. “I know that everything I am feeling right now is normal and natural.”

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52. “I can still feel love in the world without my loved one.”

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53. “My loved ones provide comfort during dark times.”

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54. “I welcome the support of my family and friends on my most difficult days.”

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55. “I am tougher than any obstacle in my path.”

For more empowering affirmations to navigate grief and heal, download the I am App today and start your journey towards emotional well-being and resilience. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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