Positive affirmations

Calming Affirmations for Patience

Cultivate calm with positive affirmations for patience that encourage you to take your time as you make room for self-growth and find positivity.

April 30, 2024
4 min

Affirmations for Patience and Self-Growth

Patience, the gentle art of waiting without anxiety, is the result of resilience and inner peace. It's the calm acceptance of life's unfolding, knowing that every moment carries its own wisdom and purpose.

In a culture that glorifies speed and instant results, nurturing patience becomes a revolutionary act of self-care.

These affirmations for patience encourage you to breathe deeply and trust in the divine timing of your journey.

40+ affirmations for patience with yourself and others:

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1. “I am patient with myself on this journey.”

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2. “I am being patient with myself.”

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3. “I am patient and understanding.”

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4. “I am patient enough to receive the fulfillment that is right for me.”

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5. “I am patient and understanding with my body.”

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6. “I am patient with myself while I am still learning.”

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7. “I am patient through the process of my personal evolution.”

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8. “I am patient and able to listen carefully.”

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9. “I am patient when I am working to achieve goals.”

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10. “I am patient and accepting of myself and of others.”

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11. “I remain patient while I am learning to love myself fully.”

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12. “I am patient and loving with myself when I make mistakes.”

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13. “I am patient with myself as I learn to navigate changes in my life.”

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14. “I am patient with myself as I grow. ”

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15. “I am patient and persistent when it comes to achieving my goals.”

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16. “I am patient with myself and accept that positive change takes time.”

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17. “I am patient with my healing process.”

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18. “I remain patient because I trust that every problem has a solution.”

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19. “I am patient with myself.”

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20. “I am patient with myself through my journey of self-discovery.”

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21. “I am patient with my progress.”

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22. “I am patient with myself as I come to terms with uncertainty and change.”

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23. “I choose patience over being swift.”

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24. “I give myself the love and patience that I give to others.”

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25. “With patience and perseverance, I actively shape myself into a stronger version every day.”

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26. “I embrace my evolution with patience, knowing it's the cornerstone of profound transformation.”

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27. “I have patience.”

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28. “I am able to master anything with practice and patience.”

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29. “I possess the patience to find the joy that is meant for me.”

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30. “Each day, I sow kindness, and with patience, I watch it blossom into boundless love.”

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31. “I acknowledge my unresolved feelings with patience and self-reflection.”

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32. “I handle difficult people or situations with kindness, grace, and patience.”

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33. “I tend to my body's needs with love and patience.”

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34. “I exude patience and grace throughout my day.”

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35. “I practice patience with grace and ease.”

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36. “I exude love and patience when I am with the people I love.”

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37. “I face adversity with patience and bravery.”

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38. “I practice patience on my way to a peaceful and positive mind.”

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39. “Each step on my healing journey teaches me patience, as I embrace growth at my own pace.”

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40. “I cultivate patience to overcome anxiety.”

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41. “I am grateful for patience.”

Ready to start your journey of self-growth and positivity? Embrace serenity with daily affirmations for patience using the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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