Positive affirmations

Beautiful, Inspiring Self-Love Affirmations

Start your journey towards self-empowerment with self-love affirmations that encourage and inspire you to see your worth and beauty, inside and out.

March 6, 2024
5 min

Embrace Radiance with Self-Love Affirmations

In a world where valuing yourself is essential, self-love affirmations can play a crucial role in nurturing a positive self-image. By repeating affirmations like 'I am beautiful' and 'I am proud of my uniqueness,' you reinforce a mindset of self-acceptance and appreciation. Take a step towards self-empowerment with these uplifting affirmations to love yourself, just as you are today.

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1. “I deserve the accomplishments that come my way.”

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2. “Knowing who I am now allows me to become who I want to be.”

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3. “I no longer let people's opinion of me affect me.”

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4. “I am transforming.”

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5. “I am proud of myself for making choices that are emotionally healthy for me.”

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6. “I forgive myself for past mistakes and wrong choices.”

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7. “I am outstanding.”

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8. “I am allowed to love my body unconditionally while still seeing its flaws.”

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9. “I shine so bright I can't see the shade.”

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10. “I am as kind to myself as I am to others.”

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11. “I am proud of my uniqueness.”

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12. “I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart.”

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13. “I set high standards for myself.”

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14. “I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.”

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15. “I am proud of my growth but remain humble and kind.”

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16. “I am honored to be trusted to take care of this amazing body.”

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17. “I know each day is a blessing and a gift.”

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18. “I am special.”

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19. “I am becoming who the Universe meant for me to be.”

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20. “I see the beauty of my body just as it is.”

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21. “I protect my heart and soul by choosing to end toxic ties.”

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22. “I see the beauty of my individuality.”

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23. “I accept myself exactly as I am now.”

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24. “I celebrate the progress I have made so far.”

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25. “I am so much more than enough. ”

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26. “I open myself up to all the love I wish to give myself.”

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27. “I am worthy of being loved for who I am.”

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28. “My kindness is contagious.”

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29. “I find it easy and effortless to love myself.”

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30. “All that matters is what I think of myself.”

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31. “I am a tidal wave of pleasure and joy.”

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32. “Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow.”

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33. “I give myself the care and attention that I deserve.”

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34. “I am confident and calm while I change and grow.”

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35. “I love who I am, how I look, and how I behave.”

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36. “I am happy with who I am and where I am.”

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37. “I am thankful for my greatness.”

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38. “I know that my body changes constantly, and I am okay with that.”

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39. “I love being alone and spending time with myself.”

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40. “I understand my emotions and nourish them.”

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41. “I crush my goals.”

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42. “I am cared for and it's safe to be myself.”

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43. “I am already amazing; change only makes me more amazing.”

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44. “I am capable of reaching my goals.”

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45. “I am making a positive difference in the world around me.”

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46. “I am peaceful, happy, healthy, and free to be me.”

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47. “I am successful in whatever I do.”

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48. “I am awesome.”

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49. “I trust the wisdom of my body.”

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50. “I honor my path with calm confidence.”

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51. “My needs and wants are important.”

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52. “I feel beautiful in my skin.”

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53. “I choose to be completely in love with my body.”

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54. “I am filled with inner calm and peace.”

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55. “I speak up for myself.”

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56. “I am worthy of genuine love.”

Let our self-love affirmations support your journey to self-acceptance. Download the I am App and start affirming your worth and uniqueness every day. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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