Positive affirmations

Beautiful Affirmations to Start a New Beginning

Discover powerful affirmations to help you embrace new beginnings and create the life you desire. Use these affirmations to navigate change and welcome fresh starts.

March 20, 2024
4 min

Embrace New Beginnings with Empowering Affirmations

Are you ready to start a new chapter in your life? Embrace the power of positive affirmations to guide you through this journey of new beginnings. By repeating affirmations like 'I am creating a better life for myself' and 'I am excited for my future', you can build the mindset needed to pursue your dreams. Start your day with affirmations that empower you to make bold changes and celebrate every win along the way.

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1. “I build new healthy habits for a bright future.”

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2. “I am creating a better life for myself.”

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3. “I am open to adjust my goals as my dreams in life evolve and change.”

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4. “I celebrate the wins, big and small.”

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5. “I am excited about my future.”

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6. “The life of my dreams is created by my choice to live a happy life.”

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7. “I make a new beginning that puts me on the path to greatness.”

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8. “I am allowed to move past the things and people who no longer bring positivity to my life.”

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9. “My life is just beginning.”

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10. “I am grateful for how far I've come and excited for where I'm going next.”

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11. “I am excited for my future.”

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12. “I am brave enough to try new things.”

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13. “I open my heart and mind to new adventures.”

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14. “I have everything I need to succeed in the new life I am beginning.”

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15. “I see change as an opportunity to progress.”

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16. “I focus on my best qualities and use them to attract my amazing partner.”

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17. “I open myself to a wonderful new future full of love and joy.”

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18. “I chose not to tolerate unhealthy behavior.”

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19. “I am excited for what's coming next in my life.”

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20. “I give myself the gift of a happy life.”

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21. “I am brave enough to make changes that lead to a worry-free life.”

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22. “I know that growth is painful but necessary.”

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23. “A fresh start means fresh ideas.”

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24. “I am excited to start this new path in life.”

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25. “I accept challenges as opportunities to grow.”

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26. “I navigate new beginnings successfully.”

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27. “I am able to have a new beginning.”

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28. “I plant my dreams in the soil of this new beginning.”

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29. “I trust my intuition when it tells me to start over.”

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30. “I only focus on what is beneficial for me.”

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31. “I work on my goals everyday.”

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32. “In order to get the life of my dreams I have to let go of my old habits.”

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33. “As I make this new beginning, I am committed to becoming the best version of myself.”

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34. “I have faith in myself and in the power of the present moment.”

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35. “The life I want starts now.”

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36. “I treat each day as a chance for a new beginning.”

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37. “I see my dreams beginning to take shape.”

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38. “I see every day as a blank page, and I write on it whatever I wish.”

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39. “I am allowed to stop thinking of the past and focus on the present.”

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40. “I relax and accept what is beginning.”

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41. “I open my mind to change.”

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42. “I know what I want to do in life.”

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43. “I recognize the blessing of beginning fresh.”

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44. “My potential is limitless.”

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45. “I am allowed to enjoy my new life even while I miss my old life.”

Ready to transform your life with affirmations? Download the I am App today and begin your journey of self-discovery and growth. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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