Positive affirmations

August Affirmations to Boost Your Month

These positive August affirmations will inspire joy, build positivity, and enhance your mindset all month long.

July 15, 2024
3 min

August Affirmations: Manifest a Magical Month

Welcome to the sunny days and starry nights of August!

These August affirmations have been chosen for their power to completely transform your mindset. By repeating these positive phrases, you can rewire your and experience fulfillment in every aspect of your life.

Use the magic of summer to create a life filled with happiness, love, and abundance!

31 August affirmations for positivity and joy:

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1. “I am worthy of great things in my life.”

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2. “I am grateful for the life I have while pursuing the life I desire.”

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3. “Everything is unfolding in divine order.”

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4. “I am optimistic and thankful for my life's path.”

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5. “I am worthy of a wealthy life.”

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6. “I still love myself even while I work on myself.”

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7. “I am getting healthier and happier every day.”

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8. “I have everything I need to be happy.”

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9. “I am the master of my mind, body, heart, and soul.”

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10. “I am grateful to the universe for helping me manifest my dreams.”

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11. “I value myself and my needs.”

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12. “I am always safe, divinely guided, and protected.”

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13. “I choose to believe in myself.”

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14. “I attract love, health, and happiness into my life.”

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15. “I am ready to start a new chapter in my life.”

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16. “My day begins and ends with gratitude.”

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17. “Everything that I need is provided to me at the right time and the right place.”

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18. “I choose to think of the best that could happen.”

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19. “I am evolving into a happier, healthier me.”

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20. “I am worthy of being loved as deeply and purely as I love.”

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21. “One day at a time, one step at a time.”

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22. “I make my emotional well-being my top priority.”

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23. “I am blessed.”

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24. “I am deserving of the good things that come to me.”

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25. “It's my time.”

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26. “I am always enough.”

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27. “I only think happy thoughts.”

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28. “I am strong and extraordinary.”

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29. “My dreams are important and worth pursuing.”

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30. “I am learning to love myself unconditionally.”

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31. “I commit to becoming the best version of myself.”

These August affirmations will help you create a month of self-empowerment and joy! And to keep the positivity flowing, download the I am App today and practice daily affirmations not just this month, but all year. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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