Positive affirmations

Affirmations to Manifest Wealth

Uncover empowering affirmations to attract wealth and prosperity into your life through these inspiring words.

March 1, 2024
4 min

Manifest Wealth with Empowering Affirmations

Welcome to a collection of empowering affirmations designed to help you manifest wealth and abundance in your life. By repeating these affirmations daily, you can rewire your mindset and attract financial success effortlessly. Embrace the power of positive thinking and watch as your financial goals become a reality.

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1. “I am empowered to grow my funds.”

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2. “My success is necessary.”

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3. “I am living to my full potential.”

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4. “I take full responsibility for all I wish to manifest.”

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5. “I urge myself to move forward to a life of peace, love, and prosperity.”

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6. “I am thankful for the comfort and joy that money provides me.”

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7. “I am confident when it comes to managing my money.”

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8. “Money simply falls into my lap.”

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9. “I attract money to me.”

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10. “I follow my intuition to make wise financial choices. ”

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11. “I feel positive about my financial future.”

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12. “I allow abundance to flow into my life.”

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13. “I am attuned to the frequency of love and abundance.”

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14. “Money flows in and out of my life, and I am never without.”

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15. “I accept the flow of money from multiple sources.”

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16. “I gratefully receive abundance in all areas of my life.”

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17. “I find new and creative ways to make money doing what I love.”

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18. “I really enjoy living a life of opulence, while sharing with friends and family.”

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19. “I grow closer to financial freedom with every paycheck.”

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20. “I trust that everything I desire is possible even if it takes time.”

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21. “I keep my financial goals in mind when I make spending decisions.”

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22. “I am able to overcome financial challenges with ease.”

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23. “I am financially free to live life on my own terms.”

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24. “I see abundance all around me, and I feel so blessed.”

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25. “I make wise budgeting decisions.”

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26. “I invest my money wisely.”

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27. “My mindset is abundant.”

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28. “I am a magnet for positivity, abundance, and blessings.”

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29. “My drive and ambition allow me to achieve my goals.”

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30. “I have unlimited access to the current of abundance, as I direct it right toward me.”

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31. “I am worthy of accomplishment, success, and abundance.”

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32. “I look forward to retiring early and enjoying my wealth.”

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33. “I bathe in the flow of manifestation and abundance.”

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34. “I am willing to work hard in order to get what I desire the most.”

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35. “I have the ability to learn how to manage my money properly.”

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36. “I receive money just by thinking of abundance.”

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37. “I have the power to create the financial success I disservice.”

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38. “I am stepping into the life I was meant to live.”

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39. “I use my money to add joy and peace to my life.”

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40. “I work hard and deserve the financial rewards.”

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41. “I am the blessed recipient of infinite abundance.”

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42. “Every day, I am creating my financially independent future.”

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43. “Life is abundant.”

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44. “I have the power to manifest wealth and abundance in my life.”

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45. “I manage my money wisely.”

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46. “I am constantly generating new income streams.”

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47. “I am open to giving what is in the highest and best for all.”

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48. “I always have enough money.”

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49. “I believe in my ability to achieve success.”

Ready to start manifesting wealth and abundance in your life? Download the I am App today to receive daily affirmations and stay motivated on your journey to financial freedom. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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