Positive affirmations

40+ Affirmations to Embrace Body Positivity

Uncover inspiring affirmations that foster body positivity and nurture self-love. Elevate your self-perception and inner resilience through these motivational affirmations.

March 1, 2024
4 min

Affirmations to Embrace Body Positivity

Welcome to a collection of empowering affirmations designed to cultivate body positivity and self-acceptance. By incorporating these uplifting statements into your daily routine, you can enhance your self-image and inner strength. Embrace the beauty of your body and nurture a positive relationship with yourself.

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1. “I embrace my body with love and acceptance.”

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2. “I accept myself and my body.”

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3. “I am in awe of the way my body moves.”

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4. “I exude grace, positivity, and beauty.”

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5. “I choose exercise habits that help me feel better about myself.”

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6. “I am proud of every good choice I make for my body.”

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7. “I like to work out.”

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8. “I refuse to judge myself or my body.”

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9. “I am the only me there is.”

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10. “I see my body as a source of inspiration.”

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11. “I admire my body.”

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12. “I am in love with the person in the mirror working so hard on themselves.”

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13. “I love myself as I am even when I seek improvement.”

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14. “I find joy in the imperfections and quirks of my body.”

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15. “I feel inner peace throughout my body.”

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16. “Every day, I am learning better ways to take care of my body.”

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17. “I have a powerful, strong body to move in.”

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18. “I base my confidence in my thoughts and feelings, not my looks.”

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19. “I am grateful for the ways in which my body expresses my internal joy.”

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20. “The only person I need to impress with my body is me.”

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21. “I let go of how society wants me to look and happily love the way I look right now.”

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22. “I honor my body's natural healing process.”

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23. “I am an advocate for my own health.”

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24. “I feel vitality coursing through me.”

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25. “I push away any negative thoughts about my body.”

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26. “I have a strong body.”

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27. “I adopt self-care practices which help me feel better about my body.”

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28. “My body is a miracle.”

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29. “I am grateful for the body I have.”

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30. “I am worthy of love for my inner and outer beauty.”

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31. “I send waves of positive, loving energy to every part of me.”

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32. “I love myself even when I'm working to get stronger and more fit.”

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33. “I am proud of my body.”

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34. “I prioritize my health over my appearance.”

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35. “I make time to tend to and care for my body.”

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36. “I feel calm and connected with my body.”

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37. “I am so grateful to my body for never letting me down.”

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38. “My hair is the perfect halo for my head.”

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39. “Every scar, wrinkle, and line on my body tells its own beautiful story.”

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40. “I feel happier when I take better care of my body.”

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41. “I love my appearance because I work hard for it.”

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42. “I base my identity on who I am on the inside, not the outside.”

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43. “I am thankful for my body's strength.”

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44. “I appreciate the beautiful uniqueness of my body.”

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45. “I know that I am a beautiful person, inside and out.”

Start your journey towards self-love and body positivity with the I am App. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/ Transform your mindset and empower yourself with daily affirmations to uplift your spirits and boost your confidence.

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