Positive affirmations

35 Mental Health Affirmations

Discover powerful mental health affirmations to help you improve your mindset. Embrace self-love, calm, and confidence with these affirmations to be more resilient.

May 27, 2024
3 min

Empower Yourself with Mental Health Affirmations

When you want to improve your mindset, it's essential to find moments of tranquility and peace.

By incorporating mental health affirmations into your daily routine, you can cultivate a sense of calm and inner strength. These positive affirmations have been specially chosen to guide you to love yourself and boost your confidence, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Mental health affirmations to improve your mindset:

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1. “I am worthy of great things in my life.”

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2. “I am a powerful loving spirit.”

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3. “I am achieving a calm mind as I breathe out my worries.”

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4. “Today I am shining.”

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5. “I celebrate my amazing growth.”

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6. “I am a valued member of my circle.”

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7. “I love the person I see when I look in the mirror.”

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8. “I love looking back at my progress.”

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9. “My energy is high, and my thoughts are focused.”

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10. “I am living life on my terms.”

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11. “I reward myself often simply for being me.”

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12. “I believe that I can be all that I want to be.”

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13. “I am proud of how I improve my life.”

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14. “I live my life authentically.”

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15. “I am happy with who I am as a person.”

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16. “I am compassionate towards myself.”

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17. “I am free of comparisons to others.”

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18. “I love my vulnerability.”

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19. “Understanding myself is giving me a new level of peace.”

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20. “I accept who I am.”

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21. “I create my own method of magic.”

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22. “I am uniquely gifted.”

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23. “Happiness is in my own hands.”

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24. “I motivate myself to reach my maximum potential.”

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25. “Every passing day, I feel more relaxed and calmer.”

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26. “I validate my experiences as a vital part of my life.”

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27. “I make the world a better place.”

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28. “My confidence in myself grows more and more every day.”

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29. “All of my power is in the present moment.”

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30. “I have courage and I am brave.”

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31. “I embrace my uniqueness.”

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32. “I am fine with who I am, and I love who I am becoming.”

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33. “I radiate with self-confidence and a charming energy.”

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34. “I give myself permission to be happy.”

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35. “I have all the inner strength I need.”

Start your journey to inner peace, self-love, and confidence by incorporating these mental health affirmations into your daily routine. Download the I am app today and empower yourself with positive reminders throughout the day. You can download it here: https://theiam.app/

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